
10/14/08 -- 方便的pizza皮(Easy-to-use Pizza Crust)

柔柔愛吃pizza, 但只愛吃上面什麼配料都沒有的cheese pizza. 若有其他配料(例如: 青椒、洋蔥等等), 她會ㄧㄧ挑出來。


自製pizza經濟實惠,pizza皮(pizza crust)也不難做。酵母(yeast)加水加麵粉,讓它醒30分鐘。


6 則留言:

匿名 提到...

One of these days I will like to try homemade pizza as well. I think we can probably make the dough with bread machine. Thanks for the idea.

Happy Family 提到...

ha and hee like cheese pizza as well.

匿名 提到...

My kids like "meat" on the pizza. They love pepperoni, sausage or chicken mashroom....

@ numero 8278 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

Ha doesn't like pepperoni because he said that it's spicy.

匿名 提到...

To Sophia: The method to make pizza crust is the same as the method to make bread dough.

To Yi: Ro and Le do not like to eat food with many ingredients.

To Joann: 妳和我都是賢慧ㄧ族的啊!